Beautiful 20 wooded acres with some open land and live creek. Fully furnished 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home on property. On paved FM 2539. All utilities available. $85,900.
25.34 acres in Leon County, Texas
25.34 acres southeast of Centerville, loaded with wildlife! This property is 70% wooded and 30% open and completely fenced. There is a small travel trailer with all utilities including septic. A storage shed, deer stands, and deer feeders go with the property. This place has a lot to offer, including an excellent lake site. $3495/acre.
17.66 acres in Leon County, Texas
17.66 acres with high rolling hill, mostly pasture, live creek & pond, fenced, with Highway 7 frontage, utilities available, $5250/acre.
38.58 acres in Leon County, Texas
38.58 acres of beautiful pasture, hills, and scattered woods. Gorgeous live creek runs across the property. $3000/acre. REDUCED TO $2495/ACRE. owner terms available.
33 acres in Leon County, Texas
33.22 acres of mostly woods with some openings, Southeast water meter, 624 sq. ft. unfinished cabin, several pole barns, completely fenced, $124,500. REDUCED TO $98,000.
50 acres in Leon County, Texas
Approximately 50 acres with 40′ road & utility easement off FM 1119 with Cobbs Creek running through it. Beautiful pines and hardwood trees. $2395/acre. owner terms.
24.37 acres in Leon County, Texas
24.37 acres of mostly woods with scattered openings, located on new County Road 115 in the Centerville ISD, community water and electricity available, $120,631
25 acres in Leon County, Texas
25 acres in the scenic Flo Community with woods and pasture with frontage on two county roads. Several dwellings, including a 2 bedroom, 1 bath neat frame home, a mobile home, and two small cabins. Two neat pole barns and several other outbuildings. This place is completely fenced and has a pond. Great for a weekend and recreation place! $124,500.
5 acres in Leon County, Texas
Located in Centerville ISD — 5 very private wooded acres with a beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath custom brick home, close to town, $125,000. More land is available and home can be sold on 10 acres or 15 acres.
33 acres in Leon County, Texas
33-acre Showplace with 8-acre fishing lake that is spring-fed. Two gorgeous hilltop homesites to choose from. Nice combination of coastal bermuda grass and hardwood trees. All utilities are available to this property and the surrounding area is restricted against mobile homes. Conveniently located two miles west of Buffalo and I-45, off of Highway 79 and CR 329. $139,500.